We’re on a mission to help South African charities and initiatives amplify their impact through powerful branding and design. Together, we’re creating exponential change, because helping people who help others, changes everything.

Design that achieves REAL change

South Africa is in need. While we must focus on these needs, equal attention and support should be given to the NPOs and initiatives working tirelessly to alleviate the pressures our country faces.

As creatives, we’re built to push boundaries. We’re made for endurance, late nights, and the strong stuff. We adapt to new briefs and diverse clients. We know what it takes to build brands and amplify exposure. At our core, we’re Designed to Change.

It’s only fitting, then, that we channel our talents and skills into building non-profit brands in South Africa—creating a launchpad for change. A well-marketed charity with a strong visual identity can fundraise and raise awareness more effectively. And so, Designed to Change was born. Every little bit we do is one less burden for others to carry.

The road to change


We stopped using sad stories and started making a difference. By using our design and advertising talents, we found a simple answer: we can help people who help people.


D2C teams up with creatives and corporates who understand the transformative power of design. Together, we’re harnessing this medium to drive meaningful change.

For change

Interested in becoming a change agent or know a charity that could use help improving their public identity and marketing collateral?
Join us

Achieving change

When it comes to making a difference, many organisations and individuals face challenges that hold them back.

By identifying the issues and crafting practical solutions, Designed to Change bridges the gap to create a ripple effect of positive change.


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    Many organisations dedicated to creating positive societal and environmental change lack the resources to design and develop their brand - a crucial component of their fundraising and awareness efforts.
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    Plenty of individuals and organisations want to give back but don’t have the time, expertise, or know-how. As a result, they end up doing… well, nothing.


Our approach is simple yet powerful: by using our skills to empower organisations that help people, we create a catalyst for exponential change. Through strategic branding and marketing, we help NPOs stand out, build credibility, and achieve their mission more effectively.

Charity Marketing

Designed to Change partners with creatives and corporates who can contribute skills or resources to build impactful charity brands. We craft strong visual identities and campaigns that position NPOs as credible and professional, earning the trust of prospective funders and supporters.

From logos and marketing materials to websites and social media, we do it all.

A message from our founder

“The change we’re facilitating is exponential. So many people are doing great things to help our nation but need an image to reflect it. We help make that happen. Really exciting stuff!”
— Jeni-Anne Campbell, Founder and Organiser

Where creativity
meets purpose

I started JAW in 2010 as my main ‘before I’m 30’ goal. The vision was to create a design agency that wasn’t ‘cool.’ Where you don’t wear sunglasses indoors, hobnob with pretentious crowds or only take on CSI projects to win awards instead of actually making a difference! A place where slippers and a sense of humour are a must, happy hearts fill the space, and design is seen as a tool for change.

– Jeni-Anne Weitz, JAW herself.